Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Cain is out. What now?

Yesterday Herman Cain announced his decision to suspend his campaign for President of the United States.  While I am a big fan of Mr. Cain I think he made the right decision here for several reasons.

         The left and their media attack dogs were holding his head under water and were never going to give him any air.  They couldn’t afford to, as I have said before, they were scared to death of the prospect of having to run their messiah against another black man.  While their minions were writhing around trying to tie Cain’s support among conservatives to racism because that is all they have, they were falling flat on their faces in the process.

      While I personally do not think for a minute that Mr. Cain is guilty of any of the things he was accused of, these fictional issues did illuminate a major fault, and that was crisis management.  He and his team could have ended or at least lessened the impact of the attacks with a strong message right out of the gate.  This inadequacy was made even more glaringly obvious when it was revealed that he and his team knew days before the breaking of the first accusation that it was coming and yet fumbled so badly in their response that he didn’t just look unprepared but also guilty.  Had they a proper answer to the charges they most likely would have benefitted in the end.  This is apparent by his initial rise in the polls after the first accusation.  The base understands these dirty tricks by the left and the media and would have been sympathetic to his plight had he responded properly.  Had that happened the left may have hesitated before producing another woman.

          After the first accusation he and his team failed to learn a lesson and prepare for number two and three.  Those responses were almost as tardy and weak as the first.  This indicates that the people he surrounds himself with are incompetent and does not send a message that he is prepared for the highest office.  I think his drop in support has more to do with that than the accusations against him.

         While I do not fault him for this foreign policy question answer/non-answer, I know he was really tired at the time, his thoughts on foreign issues are not much more coherent when he is wide awake.  He has some really good ideas on domestic policy but unfortunately that is only half the job.  I happen to think that principle can get you through on foreign policy issues and no doubt Cain could apply that.  But he would have to debate Obama if he won the nomination and his dyslexia over such issues would be glaringly obvious.

     It really pains me to say all of this because I was so enamored with the idea of a Washington outsider coming in and shaking things up.  And to a certain extent the candidacy of Cain and Bachmann and the potential candidacy of Sarah Palin has done just that.  The conversation has moved decidedly to the right this year.  Mitt, Newt and the rest of the pack have had to take up a more conservative stance on issues than we talked about in 2008.  I give Cain and his early successes part of the credit for that.  But now we must move on and select who we want to back next.  I continue to adopt an “anyone but Romney” approach to this primary season.  And in spite of his occasional transgressions on some issues in the past I now hang my hat on Newt Gingrich.  

    The reasons for my decision to endorse Newt are numerous.  For all his faults (and he has several) he still is probably most conservative “viable” candidate left to oppose the Ken doll.  Santorum is a really staunch conservative but is not really likable.  From what I understand he is not particularly liked even in his home state of Pennsylvania, and he always has that perpetual pissed off look on his face.  While I do too concerning American politics over the past several years, it does not help you to become President. 

     The upside of Newt is that he is definitely the “smartest guy in the room” and will devastate the Socialist and Chief in any debate.  In fact if Newt gets the nomination, I expect that the Obama camp will refuse to debate.  Newt is also very good at handling, disarming and eviscerating a hostile press.  His press conferences would become a spectator sport kinda like watching Christians being eaten by lions.  (Of course I don’t mean to compare the media to Christians here)  Newt also understands exactly what is required for this country to flourish.  He is a free market principle guy for the most part and understands the Constitution and what it really means better than any of the so-called constitutional scholars you hear on the alphabet networks.  He has a past, and that will get dredged up.  (If only the media spent half the time researching Obama’s past as they have on any of the Republican candidates.)  But that is a storm he will have to weather.  I think he is uniquely qualified to handle those storms unless they find out he murdered his children or something.  Of course knowing the left and the press I am sure they will accuse him of that anyway once it starts looking like he might win.  And by left I also mean the Romney camp of course.

    At the end of the day, whoever the nominee is, (even Romney) we must get behind that candidate and support them like they were our own kin.  This country cannot survive four more years of Barack Hussein Obama, especially if he does not have to worry about re-election.

     Amici mei habete fidem!  

Thursday, November 24, 2011

When Is A Cut Not A Cut?

Ever heard the one about the wife that comes home, arms full of shopping bags and says to her husband, “Boy I saved you a bunch of money today”?  I figure she must work for the Congressional Budget Office because that is exactly the load of bull pucks they are trying to sell us now.  We hear a lot of talk from the shysters in DC about cuts.  And the super committee being deadlocked between the Republicans that want “cuts” and the democrats that want tax increases because the “cuts” would be too painful and the rivers would stop flowing, the sky would fall and the sun would go supernova.  The plain and simple truth is there are no cuts, never was and probably never will be.  Both sides are lying to you about that.

The reason they get away with these lies is that they changed the meaning of the word “cuts”.  They did this by using a little tool they developed called “Baseline Budgeting”.  The way it works is that increases due to predicted inflation rates and government service expansions (that’s a fancy way of saying hiring more people) are automatically figured into the next year’s budget.    On average, the Congressional Budget Office increases spending projections each year by about 20%.  Then, if we only spend 19% more the next year, YAHOO!  We cut 1%!!!!!!!!   
The fact is, that if we froze all government spending right now, spent the same amount next year as we did this year and so on and so on for the next ten years, the CBO would call that a 9 trillion dollar cut!   As I said before, both sides are lying to you about this.  Republicans are telling you they are slashing budgets……  LIE!  They are only slashing the automatic increase that will happen, spending will still go up.  Democrats tell you they will have to cut programs for vital services like Medicare to make reductions…….  LIE!  Medicare, Medicaid, Defense, EPA, Energy, Education and the rest of the plethora of government programs won’t get cut one red cent, only the extra money they were planning on getting their grubby mitts on next year will be less.
The fatal flaw that should be screaming out to all of us, (or at least all of us that are not smoking dope in a tent at Zucotti park or eating steak and arugula in the oval office) is that this method of budgeting does not take into consideration projected revenue at all.  You see, congress really does not care how much money it will take in while figuring out the next year’s budget, only what they want to spend.  Everything is figured based on that.   If they don’t come up with enough revenue there are only two choices as far as they are concerned.  Raise taxes or deficit spend, it doesn’t even compute in their little pea brains to cut back on the size and scope of the federal government.
That, my friends, is what it is going to take to fix the mess we are in and actually reduce our debt.  While it is vitally important to get the Community Organizer in Chief out of the White House, of even more importance is replacing those men and women in congress on both sides of the isle with citizens that are committed to a smaller federal government.   We may not get there this election or next, the best we may be able to accomplish is to stop or slow the bleeding of this once great nation this coming November.  But let us not grow complacent and satisfied at that point.  Our problems as a nation are much deeper than that.  It is going to require us to be committed, engaged, active and resolute in our mission to rid Washington DC of professional politicians and replace them with patriots who desire to serve.  Our forefathers were committed to sacrifice everything to build this republic.   Are you committed to preserving it?

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Why Nobody Should Watch the MSM

This past week I visited the windy city because I really enjoy freezing my buns off in a liberal bastion that produces characters like Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel.  While waiting for some friends in a hotel bar I got the opportunity to watch the ABC World News with Diane Sawyer on the big screen TV behind the bar.  Now normally I would chew off my own right arm to escape such a situation, but I had already bought a Jack and Coke and it would be a mortal sin to waste it. And far be it from me to upset the ghost of Jasper Newton Daniel.  
As I watched the entire “news” program from beginning to end I was struck by the lack of coverage on the Occupy Wall Street movement.  In fact the only thing good old Diane brought up about the issue was a photo of an elderly (and obviously off her meds deranged) 84 year old woman that had just been pepper sprayed stating that she was the “new face” of the OWS movement.  Proving of course that the right wing want nothing more than to kill the elderly and throw them off cliffs as the democrats have told us all along.......... 
Now, since I normally get my information from the few actual news sources and real journalists out there, I knew there was a lot of other news that day on the dirty smelly entitlement hippie movement.  Like for instance the sidewalk pooping.  Or the hypodermic needles found by the bushel basket full after clearing Zucotti Park.  Or perhaps that the occupiers were stockpiling weapons there.  

Call me silly to think that a national news show would want to tell the American people about threats to throw Molotov Cocktails through the windows at Macy’s.  And of course it would just be irresponsible to report that the OWS movement is allied with a Greek Communist Terror Group.  And I am sure the voters wouldn’t want to know about their representative excusing the deaths and rapes that have occurred at the OWS camps.  
All of these stories and many, many more were broken over a two day period prior to Ms. Sawyers broadcast that I was so honored to watch.  And I am sure the same “non-coverage” took place on NBC, CBS, MSNBC and of course CNN.  We did however get several minutes of coverage on Herman Cain hesitating before answering a question, and Newt Gingrich's divorces.  So, I have one conclusion for you.  If you have watched any of these networks for your source of news you are ill-informed.  If you continue to watch them, you are an idiot.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Mitt, He’s Not The 99%, He’s Not the 1%, He Is The Perennial 20 Percenter.

I find it curious that in this past year, all potential candidates for the Republican nomination for President are measured against one other candidate, Mitt Romney.  There are a few reasons I can think of for the talking heads to want to use this 12 inch ruler to measure a Saturn 5 rocket.  Not the least of which is their desire to make sure that if a Republican does kick their beloved Kenyan prince out of the White House in 2012, it will at least be the Republican that will do the least damage to their left wing agenda.  This is the same reason they tried (successfully) to convince us of how awesome the Mavericky one was in 2008 (until he got the nomination that is). But I don’t think it will work this time around, because Mitt is stuck at 20% support and I believe that is about as high as he will ever get.  
In 2008 Romney never commanded more than the mid 20% range in polling, and ended up with just 22.1% of the national primary vote.  We know him better now.  I believe there is a core group of squishy country club Republicans that will always provide that 20% support that Romney enjoys.  “You  know Lovey, we just must make sure that those bourgeois Yale types don’t take over our party”   But Mitt’s problem is we remember what he stood for in 1996, in 1998, in 2000, in 2004, in 2008 and what he stands for now.  Only Rich Little can bring more personalities to a party than our buddy Mittens.  And this is why we must make sure he does not get the nomination and become our candidate.  The man has no principle.  He will get on whatever side of an issue he thinks will do him the most good politically.  If we want that in a leader we should draft Billy Jeff Clinton to come back to the job, at least he was somewhat entertaining.
Of course these same folks (and some so-called conservative pundits) also tell us that Mittens is the only one that can beat Obama.  Anyone with half a brain and just a little political savvy knows that is pure bull excrement.  In fact, quite the opposite is true.  Romney is the candidate most likely to lose against Obama in a general election.  In debates for example, with just a little research on the Obama team’s part, they will be able to counter any criticism Romney has for Sparky with an example of old Mitt supporting the very same idea in the past.   

The 20 percenters are fond of telling us how these cursed Tea Party type candidates are raising the poor unwashed idiot voter’s expectations too high with their fairy tales about free markets and constitutional values and will cause disenfranchisement among a big section of the base when Mittens surely, naturally  wins the nomination.  Well, they may be right about that.  But the disenfranchisement will be because of the weakness of their candidate, not the principle of others.  I don’t even understand this argument.  Are we supposed to ignore our values and not vote for our candidate of choice in the primary because we might be excited to go out and vote on Election Day?
So to recap, we are supposed to vote for Mitt Romney because:

a)     He won’t work to destroy the status quo in  Washington and dismantle the liberal agenda.

b)     He is like Texas weather and if you don’t care for his position on an issue just wait a few minutes and it will change

c)       He is at least as principled as Bill Clinton

d)      He will lower voter energy for 80% of the conservative voters.

e)      He is probably the candidate most likely to lose to Obama. (with the possible exception of Ron Paul)

f)       He’s got really good hair, (like John Edwards) 

So if you really want 4 more years of republic killing Hope N Change, the easiest way to get it is to pull that lever for Mitt Romney in your primary.  Otherwise, choose a principled candidate that will inspire the American people, hey, it worked for us once before……………

Sunday, November 6, 2011

In One Year We Begin to Fundamentally Change America ……… BACK!

That’s right sports fans, one year from today we have the opportunity to fix a lot of ills in this country.  The question is, will we do it?  As we get closer to the magical date that we get to tell the Communist in Chief to take a hike, I am becoming even more aware of how critical his eviction is.  I am convinced that he and his minions represent a larger threat to America than we have ever before faced.  And it has become more than obvious that his true goals are to destroy our economy, our health care system, our military and our freedoms in an effort to make his vision of a socialist utopia feasible.  He has already shown that he has no problem doing an end around the constitution and implement laws by executive order, the concern now is how many more republic destroying orders will he issue as his expulsion becomes clear?  He knows that the democrat controlled Senate and that worm of a Speaker of the House will do nothing to contain him.  Whoever occupies that oblong office after him had better make his or her first order of business resending every single executive order Obama issued during his tenure.  

Last night I had the opportunity to watch two potential new residents for 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in a non-debate debate.  Hosted by the Texas Tea Party PAC, Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain spent about two hours discussing ways to fix the mess we find ourselves in.  I have to admit, I would be happy with either of them replacing the COOTUS (community organizer of the United States).  In fact the two of them on a ticket together would be awesome.  Cain brings common sense values and outside the beltway solutions that are desperately needed right now to turn this country around.  And Newt is obviously the “smartest guy in the room” who believes in market driven solutions and getting government out of the way of business.  While both have some issues, either of them would be a far cry better than the leftist race pimping jackass that we currently have.

Both men issued several good ideas about how to fix the budget, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security and most of those ideas appealed to my libertarian leanings.  Gingrich suggested a way to save a trillion dollars with one simple free market solution.
“I just put on the table trillions of dollars that would be saved by not paying crooks.  Why is it so hard to not penalize good people before you stop paying crooks?  You can take existing IBM technology and use it to stop paying crooks in Medicare.  You can turn this around and pass a bill to contract out to American Express, Visa and IBM to handle Medicare payments and in 60 days you would save a trillion dollars.”  
He pointed out that American Express has a fraud rate of 0.03% and the Federal Medicare system has a fraud rate of 10%.  Just another example of what a complete and utter failure the Federal government is at just about anything.
Cain made several good points but one of the highlights for me was this one.  
“We need to have standards and not make it easy for people to cheat on things.  You can’t get on an airplane without showing a valid I.D.  Why should we allow people to do other things without I.D.s?  Photo IDs are needed and should be required to vote and end fraud.  WHY NOT?”
Cain also won the prize for the funniest comment of the night when told to close things out by asking a question of Gingrich.  Cain’s question was; 
“Mr. Speaker, if you were Vice President of the United States, what would you want me to assign you to do first?”

Gotta say, I think I got a tingle up my leg with that question.


Sunday, October 23, 2011

GOP Establishment: He Swings! And Misses Again!

The question is, when do we get to strike three?  The hot shots in the GOP elite and their message boys are really starting to sweat now.  They have pulled out all the usual time honored tricks used in the past to effectively derail any real conservative that dares to step a little too close to the Republican nomination for President.  But just like the great Casey in the old poem, they keep swinging at air balls.  Or like that old Texism says, “They keep a chopping, but there ain’t no chips a flying”.  
They tried to just ignore Herman Cain, didn’t let him get any press.  But to their surprise, the conservative voter is actually engaged for once and paying attention.  Not good news for the Kampaign Karl Roves of the GOP.  So they trotted out the town criers of the Grand Old Party.  The Krauthammers and Kristols went after him on his 999 plan.  (hmmm, notice all the “K”s in the last two sentences?)  Anyway as they walked away with their chests pumped up mightily, sure that the misinformation tool that they had just deployed had driven a stake through the heart of their tormentor, Mr. Rasmussen said “uh….. guys, he just got stronger.

“Not a problem” said the old pro exterminators, “this little bug is just a little more resilient than the others”.  And they reached way back in the shelf for the little can with three X’s on it.  “He hasn't got any political experience” they sprayed across the airwaves.  “He has never won an election in his life”.  “Surely you poor idiot Tea Party folks understand we need a professional politician to unseat Obama”.  And then they sat back, smugly satisfied that they had finally rid themselves of this pest.  But Mr.Gallup pointed to his numbers and to their shock he had gotten stronger still.
Now panic started running through the ranks.  “But he is not socially conservative enough” they screeched.  “Look at the way he answered those vague questions on the  Holy Grail of conservative social topics, ABORTION”!!!!  And then Mr. Cain clarified that he was stanchly anti-abortion and someone pointed to the fact that he gave one million dollars to convince black voters to vote pro-life back in 2006.

“But, but, but, HE IS NOT POLISHED ENOUGH, LOOK AT HOW HE FLUBBED THE QUESTION!!!!!!!” they bellowed.  “WE NEED A POLISHED PROFESSIONAL POLITICIAN AND HE IS NOT SMOOTH ENOUGH!!!”  And the American voter said, “Guys, the fact that he is not a polished politician is what endears us.  We have polished politicians up to our eyeballs and that is why we are in the mess we are in now.”

Dejected, shoulders slumped, the old pros walked back to the dugout.  There is no joy in Mudville, mighty Casey has struck out……….
Hey!  There's no crying in baseball!!!!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Another Tea Party? Eh, Not So Much.

So I hear that our old buddy Joe Biden, in a stunning moment of lucidity Thursday, woke up from his coma and compared the Occupy Wall Street protests to the Tea Party protests, proving that he understands neither.   The left is so desperate to have a Tea Party movement of their own, that they will tie themselves to just about anything these days.  Our old buddy Van Jones (remember him?  The communist Green Jobs Czar) even gave a speech on the subject the other day.  I think the left will live to regret that alliance.
In spite of the media’s collusion in this misinformation campaign about the #occupy wall street crowd and their similarity to the Tea Party, the American people are getting wise to these games.  And the dirty smelly hippies on Wall Street are not helping the cause at all.  As with most mobs, anarchy reigns supreme with that bunch and lawlessness ensues.  I have been to several Tea Party protests myself and have yet to see anyone arrested, or any defecating on a police car, or defacing of public property, or smelled any overwhelming body odor.
Perhaps we should explore just exactly what motivates these two groups and who the members really are if we really care to compare them. (which of course the NBC nightly news prefers not to do)

In a past post I discussed what makes up a Tea Party Patriot.  In it I stated “The folks that believe in the constitution, in fiscal responsibility, in common sense foreign policy and that our elected officials should actually honor their oaths of office.”  “They are your Grandmas and Grandpas, your Vietnam veteran uncle, your church going Mom and Dad, your cousin who just got back from a tour in Afghanistan and your preacher.  They are the history teacher you always liked, the owner of the corner market, and the guy who owns the gas station down the road.  They are the farmer, the local pediatrician and the nurse that works in his office.  They are the firefighter, the policeman and the ambulance driver.  In short they are America.  And they represent everything that made America what it is today.  They are the folks that make this country and this economic engine work.  They are not, as MSNBC or CNN would have you believe “Astroturf” bought and paid for by greedy capitalists to throw the proverbial monkey wrench into the gears of “Hope and Change”.  They are not as NBC, ABC and CBS claim, white hood wearing fanatics who oppose Barack Obama because of their seething racism.   They are patriots, that believe in American exceptionalism, the rule of law and that they are blessed to have been born or immigrated to the greatest country in the history of the world.”

Now let’s examine what makes up the average #occupy wall street protestor.  
Average age about 25.  With a very strong sense of entitlement, they went to school (mostly on the taxpayers dime since tuition only makes up about 10% of most college revenue) and got a degree in minority women’s studies and can’t figure out why in the world nobody wants to pay them a six figure salary for that kind of background.  Mom and Dad have given them everything except an understanding of where all that money came from and what it takes to acquire it.  They can’t tell you what it really takes to create a job, (much like most of the democrats on capital hill) but can give you a dissertation on corporate greed and blood diamonds.  They have never held a job of any kind and would be happy to continue that trend for the rest of their days blaming all their woes on Wall Street and demanding that they be paid to sit on their keester for the rest of their lives and occasionally come out to berate the folks that pay for it all and tell us how evil we are.  They expect the 10% of the cost of their education that they financed be paid by us along with 90% we already did.  They seem to be some type of feline I deduce based on their obvious aversion to soap and water.  And they have zero respect for authority, experience, the rule of law, religion or their elders.  In short they are spoiled brats that should have gotten more ass beatings than time outs during their formative years.  In a way I feel sorry for them because someday the reality of life is going to slap them up aside the head and they will of course be the first to perish.  But I guess that kinda proves one part of Darwin’s theory.

The best advice I can give to these wayward dipwads is to listen to GOP Presidential Candidate Herman Cain.     

Don't blame Wall Street, don't blame the big banks, if you don't have a job and you're not rich, blame yourself!  It's not a person's fault because they succeeded, it is a person's fault if they failed.  And so this is why I don't understand these demonstrations and what it is that they are looking for." 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Yawn, Another Republican Debate. Color Me Underwhelmed

Well Fox news and Google paired up to give us another Republican debate last night.  I’m told that sales of whips and chains fell drastically on Thursday because S&M perverts figured out that a better form of torture was on Fox News.  Why is it that in the run up to what is arguably the most important presidential election in our history, after all the town hall activity, outrage at Washington’s disregard of the will of the people, Tea Party protests, unconstitutional intrusions into our lives by an out of control federal government and a President that is an obvious Marxist or more probably a Stalinist, we can’t seem to come up with a field of candidates for the Republican nomination that are inspirational?  Oh some have a little excitement potential, (see Herman Cain) but none are real standouts.
Rick Perry continues to prove me right as watching him in a debate is like observing Forrest Gump discuss quantum physics with Albert Einstein.  The look on his face is painful to watch as his wooden gears up there grind and smoke as you picture a thought bubble above his head with “thinkin is purty hard” written in it.  I would say he is an embarrassment to the state of Texas if that slot had not already been filled by Sheila Jackson Lee and another contender for the Republican nom named Ron Paul.  At one point Perry sputtered out a string of unintelligible verbiage that had the audience thinking “Wow, I didn’t know he spoke fluent Klingon”. 

Of course Mittens continues to inspire me…………… to stick my head in the oven.  While Romney has learned how to at least answer most of the questions correctly, past statements make you wonder how sincere those answers are.  He looks good, but that is what drew people to Barry Obama, I expect a little substance from our candidate.  And am I the only one that looks at Romney and gets a mental picture of Joe Isuzu?  
Michelle Bachmann, I can’t say anything mean about the lady.  Not for southern chivalrous reasons because IMHO if a woman gets into politics she should suffer the same slings and arrows as a man.  I am not going to give you a pass just because you look good in a pair of pumps.  I mean, really, I don’t cut Ron Paul any slack for that.  No, I think Mrs. Bachmann is on the right side of every issue and I have no doubts about her sincerity.  I just don’t think she is quite smart enough for the top job.  And she has a habit of putting herself in hot water over spur of the moment comments.  As the Republican nominee the media microscope will amplify all those little goofs like a Fender amp trying to make her look like a loony tune. 

Probably my favorite out of the current crop of contenders is Herman Cain.  And unlike all those independent voters in 2008 I don’t like him for the color of his skin, I like him for the content of his character.  I agree with him on most issues and am a big fan of his 9,9,9 plan.  However he does not stand a chance because the media ignores him more than Ron Paul.  He just can’t get the coverage from them mostly because the left wing media gets the vapors thinking about the GOP running a real black man against their half black messiah.
Newt is impossible for me to figure out.  The man knows history, understands all the things that are destroying our republic, has a common sense response to almost all issues when ask, but has continually used poor judgment in the past on personal and political issues.  I like him, always have.  But don’t trust him any further than I can throw him.   I think he was a good Republican once, but Nancy Pelosi hopped off her broom and turned him into a Slimy Newt.

Santorum I just don’t know enough about.  And based on the way he was ignored last night I doubt I ever will.
Huntsman, Johnson and Paul I won’t even dignify with comment other than they should get out of the race now.  I am tired of the background noise. 
So, while we have a pretty large field right now, there are some major holes in it.  I don’t know how we can fill those and come up with a good candidate, you know, someone that will drive passion into the race, somebody that will shake things up, somebody that the left is really scared of, someone who will excite the base……….  No Idea………. Drawing a blank……… Nope nothing…….

Saturday, September 17, 2011

All About the Message

Ever hear a conservative talk about appealing to the middle?  I know, we have all heard it ad-nauseam.  So desperate are some to coax the all-so-important independents to our side in an election that they figuratively and literally will sell their souls to do it.  Every time we on the right talk about a candidate or a position this subject seems to rear its ugly head.  The result is that we end up settling for a candidate that is a squish at best and a moderate democrat in all but name at worst. (see John McCain)  Or a party platform that is as weak kneed as  Pee Wee Herman in a cage match with The Rock.
The puzzling part of this philosophy is that there is very little if any historical data to back its effectiveness.  In fact quite the opposite is true.  Ronald Reagan ran as a staunch conservative, the likes of which had not been seen in this country since Barry Goldwater.  He won in a landslide with 489 to 49 electoral votes over Jimmy Carter.  The margin was 50.7% to Carter’s 41.0% and that was with an Independent candidate in the race named John B. Anderson who only garnered 6.6%.  I guess about 34% out of the 40% Independents in this country weren’t so hot on their own guy there.  Hmmmm……
In his re-election after his first term in which he took the unprecedented step of actually doing much of what he promised during his campaign, and proving that he was, in fact, a “gasp” principled conservative, he won by an even larger margin against Walter Mondale.  In that election he won every state in the union except Minnesota which was Mondale’s home state.  That’s right, even the bluest of blue states like Massachusetts and Hawaii voted for this president’s real version of hope and change.

Riding on his coattails in 1988 his vice president George Herbert Walker Bush was elected to the top job.  Bush’s first two years were spectacular and led into the first Gulf War.  The first time since Vietnam that  this country had sent large numbers of troops into a conflict.  And the military under proper leadership, performed brilliantly in the most overwhelming victory between armed combatants the world had ever seen.  Bush’s popularity soared, eclipsing even his predecessor the great  Ronaldus Magnus.  During the campaign for his first term Bush famously made the statement “Read my lips, No New Taxes!”  But in a response to the democrats desperate attempt at creating an issue to beat him over the head with, Bush decided to renege on that earlier promise in a “by-partisan” attempt to address the federal debt.  (A debt by the way that was a whopping 3.2 trillion dollars vs the 14+ trillion the democrats don’t seem too concerned about today)   The result of this squishy reversal of principle by Bush was the fastest tumble in popularity ever seen in this country.  Bush’s approval rating tumbled from near 90% at the end of the Gulf War to the low 30’s.  Enter Billy Jeff and eight years of the oval office resembling a Hooters restaurant more than the seat of power. 

George Bush Jr. ran for the office in 2000, promising not a more conservative stance than the standard, but a new brand designed by Karl Rove to appeal to independents called “Compassionate Conservatism”  which was about as conservative as  Rosie O’Donnell is another June Clever. (although I do understand that she is worried about the beaver, but I digress.)  Bush the younger’s opponent was a real brain surgeon, the vice president under Bill Clinton, Al Gore.  The guy who stated that he had invented the internet, walked into Monticello with Bubba Clinton during a pre-inaugural visit and while looking at busts of George Washington, Ben Franklin and the Marquis de Lafayette asked “And who are these people”.  Even democrats disliked the guy, but because he was the vice presidential incumbent, he got the nomination.  Bush should have beaten him by a landslide; instead “compassionate conservatism” won the day in the closest election in the country’s history. 

Four years later the democrats fielded another gem of a candidate.  The most liberal member of the Senate, John (Lurch) Kerry.  The guy was a walking punch line.  The volumes of material on this idiot was amazing, and even Bert or Ernie could have spanked him in an election.  Yet Bush barely eeked  out another victory.  
Enter the 2008 election season.  Send the kids, heart patients and pregnant women out of the room, this one is scary.  The democrats ran a blank slate, while there was appeal in the first black (or half black) man to gain the nomination of one of the two major parties, the lack of executive experience on this guy was astounding.  My pet collie has more credentials for office than Barack Hussein Obama did.  And the republicans put up a guy that made George Bush seem like Mark Levin.  John McCain was a war hero and no doubt a patriot.  But his policies ran right down the middle of the political spectrum.  That combined with his decision not to attack Obama on his record (or lack thereof), caused the crisis this nation finds itself faced with now.
On the other hand, witness the special election in New York’s 9th congressional district to replace Anthony (insert joke of choice here) Weiner.  A heavily Jewish district that has elected democrats to that seat for the past 88 years, this is the same seat that was once held by none other than Schmucky Shumer.  Geraldine Ferraro also held this seat, so this is not exactly a conservative bastion.  The democrats ran a Jewish member of the New York State Assembly named David Weprin for the seat.  The republicans ran a very conservative Roman Catholic fellow with no real political background by the name of Bob Turner.  This should have been a slam dunk for the democrat, there were even 1000 democrat operatives hauling voters to the polls.  Turner had the audacity to run for public office in this very democratic district on a platform that was loudly anti-abortion, he called for the abolishment of the EPA, and to cut funding for the Department of Education in half.  Why this Nazi even wants to eliminate the capital gains tax and end all government subsidies.  He must be a racist.  I bet he even eats babies for breakfast……  So after the democrat kicked his butt ………….  WHAT?........ HE WON?????  How can that be???????  Perhaps, just perhaps, a strong, unapologetic, conservative stance on issues can win.  Even in a heavily left of center area of the country. 
We have always argued that we win in the arena of ideas.  If the debate is honest and the conservative view is direct and does not allow the Alinsky machine in the press to set the narrative or label them, we will win every time.  In the past few decades when the democrats or the press level an unfair attack on conservatives they have ducked their head and slinked off to their corner.  Ronald Reagan refused to allow them to label him.  He got in their face, showed character and principle and espoused conservative values proudly proclaiming their benefits from the treetops.
We should all keep these things in mind while considering our next presidential candidate.  Otherwise we may well slide over the cliff toward becoming a third world nation.        

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Labor Day, America’s May Day.

Most of us think of Labor Day as that date that marks the end of the summer season when we all get one last day of BBQ and beer consumption prior to the chill in the air that is sure to come.  What many do not know is the real history of the holiday and what it represents other than the day you can no longer wear white in society circles.  Primarily Labor Day is America’s version of International Workers Day or May Day.  
In the late 19th century Karl Marx’s writings were gaining a lot of attention and his ideas embraced by many early progressives all over the world.  One place they really caught on was in the labor movement.  One fellow that was especially enamored with Marx was a German Immigrant in Chicago by the name of August Spies.  Spies was a member of the socialist workers party and a well known anarchist.  On May 4th 1886 he gave a rousing speech to a large crowd of striking workers at a rally in Haymarket Square.  Later that night as tensions (and no doubt alcohol) began getting out of control, one of his fellow anarchists threw a pipe bomb into the crowd of police officers there to disperse the crowd.  The ensuing battle was known as the HayMarket Massacre.  During the melee about 60 officers were wounded and an unknown number of civilians.  Eight policemen and at least four workers were killed.
Unions and Socialists and the combination thereof around the world were outraged by the incident and by 1890 Socialist groups in France (of course) called for demonstrations on May first of each year to commemorate the event.  By 1894 the commemoration had spread to socialist unions all over the world including the United States.  Union leaders in the states pushed for a federal holiday to be created to officially pay tribute to the incident.  One of those union leaders by the name of Eugene V. Debs, leader of the American Railway Union, led a nationwide strike against the Pullman Palace Car Company in 1894.  Debs was a democrat at the time but later joined the American Socialist Party (hmmmm) and ran for president several times.  He instructed his members to refuse to hook up or handle Pullman cars nationwide and 125,000 railroad workers did just that.  Since Pullman cars made up a large part of the railroad fleet at the time, virtually every single railroad in the country ground to a halt.  Finally since the strike interfered with the delivery of the US mail, president Grover Cleveland sent in federal marshals and 12,000 troops to break up the strike.  Of course violence broke out and thirteen strikers were killed and fifty seven wounded before the strike was broken. 
Later, in order to “mend fences” with organized labor and help defuse the situation Grover Cleveland pushed though a bill to identify Labor Day as an official federal holiday.  This date coincided with a annual celebration conducted each year by the Central Labor Union of New York and ended the calls for an official recognition of May Day in the United States.
   So, on this Labor Day, while you enjoy your beer and BBQ, remember that you are enjoying your day off work because the United States of America chose to embrace a socialist holiday.  Enjoy.       

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Project Much?

Democrats do, anytime you want to know what a democrat is guilty of, just listen to what he or she accuses you  of. defines “projection” as “The attribution of one’s own attitudes, feelings, or desires to someone or something as a naïve or unconscious defense against anxiety or guilt.”  The only part of that definition that does not apply to democrats is the “naïve or unconscious” part.  They know exactly what they are doing and have gotten very good at getting the feeble minded groups that make up their voting blocks to buy it.  
Let’s start with racism.  Every democrat under the sun uses that brand to mark his or her political opponent at least a dozen times a week.  So much so in fact that the ploy is rapidly losing its effectiveness  at shutting down debate.  Oh it worked well for a long time, so much so that the modern liberal has a hard time giving up on the practice.  And since they don’t learn very fast, I expect that tactic to remain in the socialist playbook for some time to come.  But let’s examine just a few facts about democrats and racism.  First, history, to hear the left tell it every single slave owner in the old antebellum south was a Reagan Republican right wing hater.  The fact is that virtually all of them were democrats.  And it was democrats that started and filled the ranks of the KKK.  During the 60’s democrats as a party opposed any and all civil rights legislation.  Today democrats have a vested interest in keeping blacks poor and in victim status, and for some reason that escapes me, that keeps them coming to the polls and casting votes for democrats.  And every single thing they have done to supposedly “help” black folks in this country has had the opposite effect.  I could write a book on this subject alone, but the bottom line is that in the blackest areas of the country, where democrats have been in control for decades and had virtually unlimited funds to apply toward helping the local population, black people are poorer and less likely to succeed than ever before.  Even Rainman could improve the lot of black Americans with the resources they have had, “definitely need to cut local business and property taxes to attract new companies, definitely, uh-oh, uh-oh, time for Wapner”   

The left also continually screams that we on the right don’t care about the education of our children.   So lets’ look at some facts.  Every single time the right has suggested “real” improvements in our educational system, school system accountability, merit based pay for teachers, school vouchers  and curriculum changes that go back to teaching time proven basics, the left has opposed those changes and in an ironic schizophrenic rage declared that we want to destroy the minds of our younger generation.   They, on the other hand, propose only that we continue to dump billions more dollars into a failed system that props up teacher unions and the status quo.  Because every dollar of taxpayer money we pump into the teacher unions means more money donated by them to the campaign war chests of the DNC.  You want to know how much the left cares about children?  They care enough to protect  a practice that murders millions of them every year in the womb, that’s how much.  Saying that democrats are all about the children is like saying Adolf Hitler was all about building synagogues.
One of my favorites is the democrat claim that Republicans are in the pocket of big business.  They make this claim because of the occasional desire on the part of some Republicans to roll back or restrict regulation and corporate taxes that drive industry overseas.  The democrats on the other hand are actually in the pocket of big business providing favors for corporate lobbyists and bailouts for big businesses that don’t even need them.  Just to insure that they get that fat check for the campaign war chest and a nice little cushy consulting or lobbyist job that pays millions when the voters of that particular district finally wise up and eject them from the capital.  Ever wonder how someone like Harry Reid can go to Washington without two red cents to rub together and end up being one of the richest people in the political class?  It’s because he sells influence.  Don’t get me wrong, both sides are guilty of this, but the democrats are especially rotten on the issue.  This is why we must declare war on the political class in this country.  It is the only way this process will end.  But the left not only is in the pocket of big business, they are in there with both hands.
Of course the communists often talk about the corruption on the right.  This has to be the most laughable complaint they have about the right.  Nazi Pelosi declared upon assuming her throne as Speaker of the House and Wicked Witch of the West in 2007 that the era of corruption in congress was over and she was going to “drain the swamp”.  One of those Washington snakes must have plugged up that drain because she ended up presiding over the most corrupt bunch of democrats in the history of that institution.  (and that is really saying something)  We were to uncover case after case of democrats on the take, not paying taxes, not declaring income, receiving illegal gifts, breaking their own house rules and even perversion.  Nancy’s house democrats made Bernie Madoff look like a saint.  Them calling republicans corrupt was like Pamela Anderson calling Mother Teresa a slut.   
So the next time you hear a democrat make a claim that we are outlaws, better check the post office wall for their picture.

h/t Sultry Beauty